TJ learns how to paint a wallI’ve been in the workforce for 11 years now. During those years, coworkers and family members have warned me countless times to pace…Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020
Everything I ate in a day — May 4, 2016What you eat, when you eat, and where you eat say a lot about your lifestyle.May 9, 2016May 9, 2016
My Water BottlesI had never owned a water bottle before I entered college in 2005. Whether my perception of the ubiquity of water bottles was triggered by…Feb 15, 20161Feb 15, 20161
Debbiebrau — Part I: Primary FermentationDebbie, my mother-in-law, got me an awesome brewing kit from Northern Brewer for my birthday. I hadn’t gotten a full free day to do the…Nov 29, 2015Nov 29, 2015
The Things They CarriedDeliberate or not, everyone has a routine they have before they leave the house. One aspect of this routine is grabbing all of the gear and…Sep 27, 2015Sep 27, 2015
The Lees in Santa ClaraIt’s been a little over a week since Anna and I moved to our new place, and we are finally done unpacking (and getting internet)! I…Jan 12, 2015Jan 12, 2015
The MoveThe process of moving is horrendous—especially after accumulating a lot of material possessions in the form of wedding gifts; however, due…Jan 12, 2015Jan 12, 2015